Responsibility. Consistency. Visibility.
Lost control of your PACS?
Manage your PACS effectively with PACSHealth® - the solution for real-time PACS monitoring, database analysis, reporting and full-disclosure HIPAA audit log management. PACSHealth® is the only automated PACS analytics tool on the market.
Have data inaccuracies led to liabilities for your organization?
PACSHealth® is a Mission Critical clinical application monitoring tool that automates PACS administrative responsibilities, improves Radiology department efficiency, and monitors system performance by providing a real-time enterprise PACS monitoring dashboard. Using an interactive browser based interface, PACSHealth® identifies and reports on internal database and RIS/PACS data consistency errors with a powerful Audit log/HIPAA transaction reporting engine that allows full disclosure of all system events by patient, user, workstation or exam. The PACSHealth® line of products includes PACSHealth® for GE’s Centricity PACS, Centricity IW PACS, McKesson’s HMI PACS and AGFA's Impax.
Are you manually extracting and aggregating system data?
PACSHealth® is the answer. PACSHealth® is an interactive and intuitive browser-based, zero footprint solution that ensures optimal performance of your enterprise PACS.